Domain Names (WHOIS)

WHOIS (Who is responsible) look-up is a service to check the owner of a registered domain. Check to see if your domain information is available to the public.

Search domain name

Enter any domain you would like to search using WHOIS database

Who can see my information?

ICANN, the international governing body for domain names demands every domain name owner to reveal their contact information. This information is then available for anyone who does a WHOIS database search to see by default. Hence, anyone can see your name, address and phone number. This is useful if your goal is to sell the domain but can be bad as it exposes your domain to spammers, domain hijackers, direct marketing, cyberstalking, campaigns, threats, and identity theft.

How can I make my information private?

Our WHOIS domain privacy service ensures that your contact information for your .com and .net domains are not publicly available, hence, protecting your privacy. This means your .com & .net domain name are safe from domain hijackers, spammers, direct marketing, cyberstalking, campaigns, threats, and identity theft because of your concealed identity. Add domain privacy today.

Is this available for .com & .net domains only?

Yes because of the various restrictions of other types of domains especially the country specific domains.

What other security features do you offer for my domain?

Our Anycast DNS network provides added security to your domain as well by the reduction of DNS query latency and increased redundancy leading to increased website speed and availability in the process.

Domain Name Privacy

Spam and Identity Theft Protection

This is why many domain name owners prefer to activate domain privacy
Unprotected WHOIS
  • John Smith Pty Ltd
  • John Smith
  • 50 Beach St
  • Kogarah NSW 2218, Australia
  • 02 9587 7456
  • [email protected]
Protected WHOIS
  • My Private Registration
  • My Private Registration
  • PO BOX 270
  • Broadway NSW 2207, Australia
  • +61.299340501
  • [email protected]

Make your domain name private

Domain name privacy $9.95/year

Keep your Domain details Private

For just $9.95 a year, you can keep your .com and .net domain details including your contact information private and protected from the public by preventing people from accessing your personal information when they do a WHOIS search.

Payment Methods Accepted By Ozzietel
Direct Debit
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Frequently asked questions

What's a domain name?

This is the name of your website. It is a human readable form of an IP address. Web browsers needs an IP address to locate a website location, however, humans work well with words rather than number, hence, a Domain Name Server (DNS) translate the website domain name you have typed with the corresponding IP address behind the scenes to locate it.

What's a Top Level Domain (TLD)?

This is the part after the dot in your domain name. For example, if we consider, the TLD is “com”. Many other popular TLD are .org, .net, Ozzietel offers over 1000 TLDs.

What's the WHOIS directory?

This is a searchable list of every registered domain name in the world. This includes the names, address and other relevant details of the owners.

What is WHOIS Domain Privacy?

WHOIS (Who is responsible) is an internet service that makes it possible to look up a domain’s information. However, WHOIS Domain privacy helps to keep your .com and .net domain details including your contact information private and protected from the public by preventing access to that information when they do a WHOIS search.

How do I activate WHOIS Domain Privacy?

You can login to your account and activate domain ID protection through our domain manager.

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