Ozzietel International™ is one of the leading Australian companies in the Telecommunication industry since 2006.
Ozzietel International™ is one of the leading Australian companies in the Telecommunication industry since 2006. Ozzietel is principally engaged in the design and construction of networks and data centres for major telecommunication and IT&T companies. The company have attained vast growth and experience in the field, thus, they decided to further expand their expertise and provide state-of-the-art IT Hosting Solutions.
In early 2009, Ozzietel Web Hosting was launched to cater to the growing demand of more affordable and reliable hosting
solutions for personal websites, business enterprises, ecommerce shops, institutions, and more. Ever since, Ozzietel has
gained utmost customer satisfaction through hosting and supporting mission critical websites, internet applications, email
servers, security and storage services.
The Ozzietel team comprises of more than 30 full-time and highly-experienced developers, engineers, and support
specialists whose primary objective is to meet each customer's distinctive requirements. We ensure to deliver, no matter
how unique your IT needs may be.
Ozzietel has truly made its name through offering the greatest deals available in the market today. But this doesn't mean
you get less. With Ozzietel, the best deals come with the best technology and best service. Once you have experienced
total customer support from us, you will never accept anything less!